School teachers guide
Records that relate to teacher employment in the Government sector between 1788 and 1979
Records that relate to teacher employment in the Government sector between 1788 and 1979.
List of main record series
Colonial Secretary
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1286[Fiche 446-613] | Colonial Secretary: Returns of the Colony The returns under the headingcover both Sydney and country schools. They include the names of teachers for each school and their annual salaries.See the item list » | 1828-1857 |
Clergy and School Lands Corporation
Series | Title | Dates |
Letters received from clergymen, catechists and schoolmasters | 1825-1833 |
Board of National Education
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 613(Reels 4001-4038) | Miscellaneous Letters Received Includes correspondence concerning the provision of teachers, nominations of teaching staff, complaints against teachers and details of appointments and resignations. | 1848-1866 |
Applications to the Board of National Education for various situations | 1848-1852 | |
Applications for and reports on candidates for positions as teachers and pupil teachers [Reels 2380-2384] | 1856-1866 | |
NRS 616(Reel 2385) | Reports on teachers and pupil-teachers | 1864-1866 |
Council of Education
Series | Title | Dates |
Miscellaneous letters received This correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of school. It may include applications for positions as teachers and letters received from teachers concerning illness, complaints or resignations. See the item list | 1867-1875 | |
Copies of letters sent These are arranged chronologically and include letters and memoranda sent to teachers. See the item list | 1868-1880 | |
Results of teacher examinations This register gives the name of the school to which the teacher was appointed, results for individual subjects and comments on skill in teaching. | 1867-1878 | |
Reports and memoranda received concerning Training School applicants These contain applications for admission to the Training School, and reports and memoranda from the Senior Inspector, the Examiner, the Secretary to the Board and the Training Master concerning Training School candidates. See the item list | 1867-1874 | |
Pupil-teacher applications and reclassification reports | 1867-1876 | |
Applications for employment | 1867-1872, 1874-1875 | |
Teachers' rolls These rolls provide a service record for each teacher and include date of birth, examination results, appointments, promotions and date of resignation. Search for names in the online index | 1868-1908 |
Date range of Teachers' Rolls
Roll | Starting Date | Reel |
1 | 1/01/1869 | Reel 1991 |
2 | 1/01/1871 | Reel 1992 |
3 | 1/01/1881 | Reel 1993 |
4 | 1/01/1882 | Reel 1993 |
5 | 1/01/1884 | Reel 1994 |
6 | 1/01/1890 | Reel 1995 |
7 | 1/01/1897 | Reel 1996 |
8 | 1/01/1900 | Reel 1997 |
9 | 1/01/1905 | Reel 1998 |
Department of Education
Series | Title | Dates |
Subject files These include information on individual teachers concerning promotions, resignations and retirements.See the item list » | 1875-1948 | |
School files These files are arranged by name of school. They contain information concerning teacher appointments, leave, examinations and occasionally details of complaints about teachers by parents and inspectors. The files after c.1950 do not contain detailed information about teachers. The schools are listed in the online index | c.1876-1979 | |
Results of teachers' examinations Names of applicants and their marks in each subject are listed by examination centre. | 1901-1909 | |
Listing of male teachers (by birth date) This alphabetical list gives the teacher's marital status, district, date of birth, school and hometown. | 1 Jul 1906-30 Jun 1921 | |
Salary Registers These registers are arranged alphabetically by school. | 1908-1922 | |
Records of teachers and officers in the A.I.F. during World War I | 1914-1940 | |
Record of service of Department of Education personnel in World Wars I and II | 1915-1943 | |
Teachers' personal files Only includes teachers employed prior to 1918 | c.1924-1957 | |
Graduate ex-student registers Item List - 1929-43 [6/3913] - 1944-46 [6/3914] - 1947-57 [6/3915] - 1947-57 [6/3916] (Not four year trained) | 1929-1957 | |
Returns of casualties of teachers enlisted in the AIF and RAAF during WWII | 1939-1946 | |
Teacher career cards The cards detail the various appointments occupied by each teacher in his/her career in NSW government schools or the Department of Education. | 1908-1987 | |
Teacher leave cards Leave taken is presented in tabular form, showing the period of leave and whether this has been recreation, sick, extended, short, special, without pay or military leave. There is a remarks column used to indicate the reason for the leave. | 1908-1987 | |
Heads of School index cards This records in this series documents either the Head of School or the Principal for each public school listed. The series consists of index cards arranged alphabetically by the name of the school. Each card has the name of the school and its location at the top. The cards then list the heads of school in chronological order with the start and end dates of their tenure and information on why they left, including new appointments where applicable. Some of the cards are double sided.Access note: the records are closed to public access for 50 years. To access cards less than 50 years old, contact the Department of Education's Records Centre of Expertise: | 1848-2002 | |
Photographic collection The History Unit of the Department of School Education collected these photographs. Most show school buildings, pupils, teachers, or educational activities, with nearly all including an identifying caption and date. The Department of Education holds a digitised copy of these records for reference purposes. Browse the digitised photos | 1963-1991 |
Teachers Examination and Classification Committee and the Board of Examiners for Teachers
Series | Title | Dates |
Minutes [Teachers Examination and Classification Committee] The minutes include decisions made by the Committee concerning Regulations drafted under both the Public Service Act, 1902 (Act No.31, 1902) and the Public Instruction Act, 1880 (Act 43 Vic. No.23), concerning teacher classification and examination. | 4 Jun 1912-12 Jan 1923 | |
Minutes [Board of Examiners for Teachers] The minutes include decisions made by the Committee concerning Regulations drafted under both the Public Service Act, 1902, (Act No.31, 1902), and the Public Instruction Act, 1880 (43 Vic. No.23), concerning teacher classification and examination. | 30 Apr 1923-31 Dec 1943 |
Further reading
- As well as the records listed above, researchers should also consult our catalogue under Agency 4816: Education — Teacher Personnel Division.
- Government schools of New South Wales, 1848-1998: 150 Years, Open Training and Education (OTEN) — Distance Education, New South Wales Department of Education and Training, Sydney, 1998.
How to access the records covered in this guide
- Some of the files can be viewed online
- Visit the Reading Room to view the original documents
- Copy service - choose paper photocopies or digital delivery
- Hire a researcher. We cannot undertake research for you. Please see our referral list of professional researchers

School records
Find out about the wealth of information in school records about students, teachers and school buildings and sites in NSW

Married women teachers' applications, 1932–35
The Married Women (Lecturers and Teachers) Act of 1932 restricted employment of married women in the Department of Public Instruction. We hold 693 digitised declarations for exemption by married women teachers for the years 1932–35

Teachers' rolls & career cards
These are the points of entry for research about teachers. The cards tell us where and when teachers were employed, and their classification

School student records guide
These records provide information about the admission of children to Government Schools, Orphan Schools and Industrial Schools in NSW.