Publishing & citing State archives
If you are considering publishing, reproducing, printing, displaying or transmitting State archives (either entire documents or extracts therefrom) to other people you need to ask for permission to use State archives. This guide includes information on how to request permission to publish and how to cite records accurately.
Publishing State archives
How to request permission to use State archives
Your request should be in writing and include full details of the archives and how you plan to use them.
A full description or ‘citation’ of the records will assist us in identifying the material you want to use and minimise delays in granting permission. Please see below under the section Citing State archives for more information.
There are three ways to request permission:
- Email
- Fill in the online request form
- Write to:
Lead Archivist, Collection Discovery
Museums of History NSW - Collections
PO Box 516
Kingswood NSW 2747
You don’t need to ask permission to use State archives for the purposes of personal research or study, or if you wish to cite or use quotes and transcribed extracts from State archives.
How we provide permission
We will respond to your request in writing, attaching our standard terms and conditions. Any variations or additions to the standard terms for a particular request will be included in the letter of permission.
Fees for permission to use State archives
We may charge a fee if you intend to charge others for access to a copy of a State archive or include the material in advertising or a product for sale.
A note about fragile or damaged documents
Fragile and damaged material may not always be able to be copied if it is likely to cause further deterioration.
What is not covered by us
We can only provide permission to use copyright material where the State of New South Wales holds the copyright. The State of New South Wales does not necessarily own all the copyright or other intellectual property rights in records held as State archives.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all the necessary consents from all the owners of copyright, moral rights, trade marks and other intellectual property rights in the materials you want to use in compliance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth) and any other relevant legislation before using the material.
Permission from other public offices
You may also need to obtain permission from the relevant public office before publishing or distributing copies of State archives. This includes material such as the photographs from the former Aborigines Welfare Board.
We will inform you if the State archives you wish to use are covered by such a policy.
Citing State archives
How to find the information for a citation
When you reproduce or refer to State archives in a publication or paper, you should cite them accurately. This will help other researchers to use them in the future.
An archives citation is different from a reference to a publication like a book. Archives are maintained in the order in which they were created and kept.
An individual record item is catalogued as part of a record series that was created and maintained by an agency in the conduct of its business, reflecting its recordkeeping systems at the time.
The method of citation described here reflects the Museums of History State Archives Collection cataloguing practice and is the same as the method suggested by the National Archives of Australia.
An archives citation identifies:
- the archives institution holding the record (Museums of History NSW - State Archives Collection, in the case of NSW State archives)
- (optional) the agency that created the record
- the record series of which the record is part
- the record item itself, and
- (optional) a copy reference, such as a microfilm reel number, when you viewed the record using such a copy.
Please contact us if you need more information about citing State archives.
Frequently used record series
You can find the details you need for a citation in the State Archives catalogue if the record item is listed there. Alternatively use the details available in our published guides and the item lists in our reading room. Please ask one of the archivists for help if you are unfamiliar with these sources or if you need to consult another finding aid.
Abbreviated and expanded citations
An abbreviated citation provides the essential details for identifying a record item and is generally all that is required. A caption provides another option if you are displaying an item in an exhibition or a presentation and want to include some context about the record. Sometimes, however, it is helpful to give an expanded citation, for example in a full biography, or if you are using only footnotes and no bibliography, the first time you cite an item or an item from a particular series (see below).
Examples - Item listed in the State Archives Collection catalogue
Government Printing Office Glass negative
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4481-3- [7/16395]-St6672
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4481-3- [7/16395]-St6672 | Government Printing Office 1 - 13491 - Sydney Cove from Milsons Point, 1916
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: NRS 4481, Glass negatives. NRS-4481-3- [7/16395]-St6672 | Government Printing Office 1 - 13491 - Sydney Cove from Milsons Point, 1919
Government Printing Office Glass negative
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4481-2- [4/8628]-884
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4481-2- [4/8628]-884 | Cambridge Street, The Rocks
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Government Printing Office; NRS 4481, Glass negatives. NRS-4481-2- [4/8628]-884 Cambridge Street, The Rocks
State Rail Authority Photographic Reference Print Collection
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-17420-2-25 -838/005
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-17420-2-25 -838/005 | Refreshment Room Milk Bar, Sydney Terminal NSW, 09-04-1946
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Archives Branch [State Rail]; NRS 17420, State Rail Authority Archives Photographic Reference Print Collection. NRS-17420-2-25 -838/005 | Refreshment Room Milk Bar, Sydney Terminal NSW, 09-04-1946
Colonial Secretary Special bundle
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-906-1- [4/1132]-4/1132
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-906-1- [4/1132]-4/1132 | Border Police: Reports on conduct and employment, 1842
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Colonial Secretary; NRS-906, Special bundles, 1826-1982. NRS-906-1- [4/1132]-4/1132 | Border Police: Reports on conduct and employment, 1842
Department of Public Works H file
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4354- 11-25-H4037/1
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-4354- 11-25-H4037/1 | Bloomfield Hospital, Orange. Water Supply. (plans), 1965-1973
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Department of Public Works; NRS 4354, Health building files [H files], 1935–1991. NRS-4354- 11-25-H4037/1 Bloomfield Hospital, Orange. Water Supply (plans), 1965-1973
Company Packet
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-12951-1- [3/5733]-1723
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-12951-1- [3/5733]-1723 | Tung Wah Newspaper Co [Company] Ltd [Limited], 1898-1939
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Registrar General, Companies Branch; NRS 12951, Documents lodged under Companies Acts [Company Packets], 1875-1975. NRS-12951-1- [3/5733]-1723 | Tung Wah Newspaper Co [Company] Ltd [Limited], 1898-1939
Probate packet
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13660-12- 6-Series 4_152266
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13660-12- 6-Series 4_152266 | James Smith Hollisen - Date of Death 15/12/1927, Granted On 26/06/1928
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Supreme Court of NSW, Probate Division; NRS 13660, Probate packets. NRS-13660-12- 6-Series 4_152266 James Smith Hollisen - Date of Death 15/12/1927, Granted On 26/06/1928
Divorce file
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13495-28- [13/12814]-400/1914
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13495-28- [13/12814]-400/1914 | Divorce papers Harry William Sullivan - Rose Sullivan, 30-07-1914 to 05-04-1915
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Supreme Court of NSW Matrimonial Causes Division; Divorce and matrimonial cause case papers, 1873-1987. NRS-13495-28- [13/12814]-400/1914 | Divorce papers Harry William Sullivan - Rose Sullivan, 30-07-1914 to 05-04-1915
Examples - Item not listed in the State Archives Collection catalogue
Police Service card (RNCG series)
MHNSW-StAC: RNCG-3765 [AK724 122] Smith, George
MHNSW-StAC: RNCG-3765 [AK724 122] Smith, George
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Police Department; RNCG-3765, Police officers record of service cards, 1913-c1986. [AK724 122] Smith, George
Property receipt book (RNCG series)
MHNSW-StAC: RNCG-1621 [6/15537]
MHNSW-StAC: RNCG-1621 [6/15537] p.21, John Smith
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Hunter Regional Office Morgue; RNCG 1621, Property Receipt Books, 1962-68. [6/15537] p21, John Smith
School administrative file
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-3829 [5/17427.2]
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-3829 [5/17427.2] Randwick Public School, 1881-1892
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Department of Education; NRS 3829, School files, 1876-1979. [5/17427.2] Randwick Public School, 1881-1892
Colonial Secretary Main series of letters received
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-905 [1/2607] 86/10616
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-905 [1/2607] 86/10616 Jennie Richter, Wyong. Relating to the case of a boy named Bailey, 21 Oct 1886
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Colonial Secretary; NRS-905, Main series of letters received, 1826-1982. NRS-905 [1/2607] 86/10616 Jennie Richter, Wyong. Relating to the case of a boy named Bailey, 21 Oct 1886
Premiers Department Letters Received
MHNSW-StAC: NRS 12060 [9/4770] A18/2449 enclosing B16/3028
MHNSW-StAC: NRS 12060 [9/4770] A18/2449 enclosing B16/3028 ‘Memorandum for the information of the Premier: State War Council’, p.1
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Premier’s Department; NRS 12060, Letters received, 1907-1976. [9/4770] A18/2449 enclosing B16/3028 ‘Memorandum for the information of the Premier: State War Council’, p.1
Gaol photograph description book
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-2138 [3/6084] p.194
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-2138 [3/6084] p.194 No 13431 Duggan, Thomas, 21/04/1914
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: NRS-2138, Photographic Description Books, 1871-1914. [3/6084] p.194 No 13431 Duggan, Thomas, 21/04/1914
Deceased estate file
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13340 [20/1091] Pre A 017927
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-13340 [20/1091] Pre A 017927 Murphy, Mary date of death 10/02/1926
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Stamp Duties Office; NRS 13340, Deceased estate files, 1880-1958. NRS-13340 [20/1091] Pre A 017927 Murphy, Mary date of death 10/02/1926
Register of convicts applications to marry
MHNSW-StAC: NRS 12212 [4/4511] p.045
MHNSW-StAC: NRS 12212 [4/4511] p.045 Maddon, James Smith, Elizabeth, 5 Jun 1828
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Principal Superintendent of Convicts; NRS 12212, Registers of convicts applications to marry, 1825-51. [4/4511] p.045 No 536 Maddon, James Smith, Elizabeth, 5 Jun 1828. Reel 714; Fiche 789-790
Butts of certificate of freedom
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-12210 [4/4305] 31/0233
MHNSW-StAC: NRS-12210 [4/4305] 31/0233 Holden, John per Countess of Harcourt 1824
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Principal superintendent of Convicts; NRS-12210, Butts of certificates of freedom, 1827-1867. NRS-12210 [4/4305] 31/0233 Holden, John per Countess of Harcourt 1824, 28 Mar 1831. Reel 987
Using the elements in a citation
Please note the standard punctuation used to separate the elements.
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Archives institution | MHNSW-StAC: | MHNSW-StAC: | Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: MHNSW - State Archives Collection: |
Note: 'MHNSW-StAC' may be used
- in an abbreviated citation or caption or
- after a first expanded citation or
- where it appears in a list of abbreviations used
Tip: Older citations may show our former names AONSW - Archives Office of NSW, SRNSW - State Records NSW or NSWSA - New South Wales State Archives
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Creating agency | Not used | Not used | Colonial Secretary; |
Supreme Court of NSW, Probate Division; |
Note: where the record series was created by more than one agency, cite the agency whose date range corresponds to the date of the record item being cited
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Record series - items not listed in the catalogue | Use series number only | Use series number only | Use series number, title and date range |
NRS 897 | NRS 897 | NRS 897, Main series of letters received, 1788-1825. | |
NRS 12212 | NRS 12212 | NRS 12212, Registers of convicts applications to marry, 1825-51. | |
NRS 15905 | NRS 15905 | NRS 15905, Nominal Roll of the First Railway Section, Australian Imperial Expeditionary Forces (AIF), 1917-20. | |
RNCG 3765 | RNCG 3765 | RNCG 3765, Police officers record of service cards, 1913 – c1986 |
Note: a series number will have an NRS (New South Wales Records Series) prefix or an RNCG prefix.
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Record item - item not listed in the catalogue | Use item number or control symbol only | Use item number or control symbol, item title or description, and item date or date range | Use item number or control symbol, item title or description, and item date or date range |
[4/1836B] pp.941-944 No 212 | [4/1836B] pp.941-944 No 212 Memorial re Thomas Connell, 7 August 1824, | [4/1836B] pp.941-944 No 212 Memorial re Thomas Connell, 7 August 1824, | |
[4/4510] p.014-014a | [4/4510] pp..014-014a James Smith per Hooghley and Mary Murphy per Brittania, 14 Aug 1837, | [4/4510] pp..014-014a James Smith per Hooghley and Mary Murphy per Brittania, 14 Aug 1837, | |
[1] p 044 | [1] p.044 William Childs | [1] p.044 William Childs | |
[AK724 122] | [AK724 122] Smith, George | [AK724 122] Smith, George |
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Record series - item listed in the catalogue | Not used | Not used | Use series number, title and date range |
NRS 13660, Probate packets. | |||
NRS 4481, Glass negatives. | |||
NRS 4354, Health building files [H files], 1935–1991. |
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Record item - item listed in the catalogue | Use item number from the catalogue | Use item number or control symbol, item title or description, and item date or date range from the catalogue | Use item number or control symbol, item title or description, and item date or date range from the catalogue |
NRS-13660-12-6-Series 4_152266 | NRS-13660-12-6-Series 4_152266 James Smith Hollisen - Date of Death 15/12/1927, Granted On 26/06/1928 | NRS-13660-12-6-Series 4_152266 James Smith Hollisen - Date of Death 15/12/1927, Granted On 26/06/1928 | |
NRS-4481-2-[4/8628]-884 | NRS-4481-2-[4/8628]-884 Cambridge Street, The Rocks | NRS-4481-2-[4/8628]-884 Cambridge Street, The Rocks | |
NRS-4354-11-25-H4037/1 | NRS-4354-11-25-H4037/1 Bloomfield Hospital, Orange. Water Supply (plans), 1965-1973 | NRS-4354-11-25-H4037/1 Bloomfield Hospital, Orange. Water Supply (plans), 1965-1973 |
Note: where the item is listed in the catalogue use the item number title and date provided
Element | Abbreviated citation | Caption | Expanded citation |
Copy reference | COD, Fiche, Reel - Optional | COD, Fiche, Reel - Optional | Use COD, Reel, Fiche numbers |
Fiche 3083 | Fiche 3083 | Fiche 3083 | |
COD 13 Reel 713 Fiche 786 | COD 13 Reel 713 Fiche 786 | COD 13 Reel 713 Fiche 786 | |
Reel 3050 | Reel 3050 | Reel 3050 |
Multiple items from the same series in an expanded citation
If you are citing several record items from the same series it is not necessary to repeat all the elements of an expanded citation. The following format is appropriate in these circumstances:
Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Colonial Secretary; NRS 897, Main series of letters received, 1788-1825.
- [4/1850] p.65 Petition for mitigation of sentence, 1817, Fiche 3175;
- [4/1836B] pp.941-944 No 212 Memorial re Thomas Connell, 7 August 1824, Fiche 3083.
Donations of published material
We maintain a small reference library for use by staff and researchers. We would be most grateful if authors of publications that relate to our records donate a copy to the library.
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