Convicts in Van Diemen's Land
A list of convict records in our Collection relating to Van Diemen's Land.
First settlement at Risdon Cove
In 1803 Governor King, concerned by rumours of a possible French occupation, ordered Lieutenant John Bowen to head an expedition to Van Diemen's Land where he established a settlement on the Derwent River at Risdon Cove.
Sullivan’s Cove
Colonel David Collins was later sent from England to found an outpost at Port Phillip. He moved to the Derwent after deciding that his original destination was unsuitable. In February 1804 he opened up Sullivan's Cove later to become known as Hobart Town. (Robson, Tasmania, pp.39ff, Tipping, Convicts Unbound, p.104). Both Bowen and Collins had convicts under their charge.
Port Dalrymple
In 1804 Governor King sent Lieutenant-Colonel William Paterson to Port Dalrymple (near Georgetown). This settlement was transferred in 1806 to the site of present-day Launceston. (Australian Encyclopaedia, 4th ed., vol.10, p.7).
Convicts transported to Van Diemen’s Land
At first, the settlements in the north and south were independent but a Government and General Order, which made Port Dalrymple a dependency of Hobart, united the two in 1812. During that year convicts were sent directly from England for the first time.
Judicial system established 1814
In 1814 the second Charter of Justice laid the foundations for the judicial system in Van Diemen's Land. A Lieutenant Governor's court was opened to hear civil matters when the sum in dispute was less than fifty pounds. Cases which exceeded this amount and criminal matters were sent to the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction in Sydney.
From 1821 to 1833 Macquarie Harbour was used as a penal settlement for reconvicted persons. Its remoteness caused communication problems and it was replaced by Port Arthur.
A separate colony 1825
In 1825 by an order in Council, Van Diemen's Land became a separate colony.
Related guides
Convict penal settlements
Penal settlements were places of incarceration and punishment for convicts who committed serious offences after reaching New South Wales
Van Diemen's Land population records
Covering 1811-1821
A list of record series
See also the Guide to Convicts and Convict Administration
- Appendix II: Chronological list of Convict Ships arriving at Van Diemen's Land 1812–53, and guide to the location of papers relating to each vessel
- Appendix IV: Guide to convict records in the Public Records Office, London, available on Australian Joint Copying Project microfilms.
Note: There are many documents relating to Tasmanian convicts in the Mitchell Library and the Dixson Library (State Library of New South Wales), which are generally kept in separate series. Lists of these papers are available in these Libraries. Microfilm copies of many are available at Tasmanian archives + heritage .
See also

Convicts & convict administration guide
A unique collection of records, created by both the British Government and the Colonial administration, dating from 1788 to 1842
A list of record series
Series | Title | Dates |
Musters -1811 General muster at Hobart Town and Port Dalrymple [4/1233], Reel 1256 -1818, 1819 Musters of free persons at Hobart Town [4/1235.2, 4/1235.4], Reel 1254 -1820, 1821 Convicts and their children at Hobart Town [4/1235.7], Reel 1254; [4/1235.10], Reel 1255 -1819 Civil Officers and free persons at Port Dalrymple [4/1235.6], Reel 1254 -1820, 1821 Musters of free persons and convicts at Port Dalrymple [4/1235.8, 4/1235.11], Reel 1255 There are card indexes to these musters in the Mitchell Library. | 1811-1821 | |
NRS-936 [4/3490A, 4/3492], Reel 6003 Other copies:[4/3490A], Reel 2288, COD 223A;[4/3492], Reels 898 and 764. | Copies of letters sent to Van Diemen's Land, Newcastle and Norfolk Island Copies of letters written by the Governor and his Secretary to officials and individuals usually residing at, or intending to go to, these places. Includes: - List of convicts to receive Free and Absolute Pardons, Conditional Pardons or Emancipations at the Derwent in Feb 1813 The series is continued in NRS-937 below. | 6 Jan 1810–16 Dec 1813 |
NRS-937 [4/3493-3520] Copies:[4/3493-3516 part], Reels 6004-6016; [4/3493-3509] and [4/3511-3520], Reels 1028-1041; [4/3510], Reel 2649; another copy of [4/3493], Reel 754 | Copies of letters sent within the Colony The volumes contain various returns and lists, such as returns of persons applying to be married; lists of convicts being sent to Van Diemen's Land, Port Macquarie and Newcastle; and lists of the distribution of convicts upon arrival to settlers in country districts. - A list of convicts in Van Diemen's Land with their times and places of trial and sentence, 10 Sep 1822 is at [4/3506 pp.297-9], Reel 1033. | 1 Jan 1814–30 Jan 1827 |
NRS-939[4/3521-3527 part]1814–25 Reels 6018-6019,1814-56 Reels 2649 and 898-901 | Copies of letters sent outside the Colony, "Foreign"Copies of letters written by the Secretary and a few of a minor nature written by Governor Brisbane. Despatches to the Secretary of State for the Colonies are not entered here [see NRS-4518].The letters to individuals are mainly in reply to enquiries regarding settlers and convicts. From 30 Dec 1823 letters to Van Diemen's Land are in this series also [before this see series NRS-936 above]. | 17 Jan 1814–21 Oct 1856 |
NRS-1159 [5/3823] | Log of convict transport Randolph (to Van Diemen's Land) Entries showing details of day, weather, winds, landmarks and events on board. | 9 Apr–27 Aug 1849 |
NRS-1188 [4/4523], Reels 901 and 1260 | Assignment lists of convicts sentenced to transportation for Colonial Offences and sent to Van Diemen’s Land The volume records the prisoner's name, details of colonial convict (offence, where convicted, when, sentence), age and physical description. There is an index in front of the volume. | 31 Dec 1832–24 Nov 1853 |
NRS-1189 [4/4524], Reels 901 and 592 | Index to convicts holding some indulgence, permitting them, or otherwise, to travel with their masters between New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land The volume is a record of convicts holding tickets of leave or conditional pardons, who sought permission to travel with their master's between the colonies and shows – name, ship to Van Diemen's Land, master's name, and the reference to the authorizing letter (CSIL). | 1831–1851 |
NRS-12192 [4/4546], Reel 706 | Copies of shipping lists of Exiles and Transports sent to Van Diemen’s Land and Port Phillip List of convicts, “exiles” or transports, recommended for conditional pardons, embarked on various vessels, stating the prison they were sent from and arranged by ship. Some of the vessels listed called at Hobart en route to Port Phillip. | 1846-1849 |
NRS-2702 [5/1152 No.17], Reel 2392 | Lists of prisoners from Hobart per Estramina for trial at Sydney | 31 Mar 1807 |
NRS-2706 [X726 pp.33-42], Reel 2652 | Statistics of trials at Sydney, Hobart and Launceston | Dec 1819–Feb 1824 |
NRS-2707 [SZ804-807], Reels 1982-1984 | Informations, depositions and related papers – Hobart, 1821-1823, and Launceston, May 1821 A detailed schedule of these papers can be found in Appendix N (pages 145-154) of the listing of the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction records, now part of the Criminal Court Records Index | 1821-1823 |
NRS-2708 [X726 pp.1-32], Reel 2652 | Returns of trials, Van Diemen’s Land The returns record name of prisoner, charge, judgment, sentence and remarks. The dates of the sessions were as follows: - Hobart, 9 Jan–31 Mar 182 - Launceston, 15–19 May 1821 - Hobart, 12–13 June 1821 - Hobart 7 Feb–5 Mar 1823 | 1821-1823 |
NRS-16024 [5/1160] | Van Diemen's Land papers Depositions, Bench of Magistrates proceedings at Yorkton 1805 and Hobart Town 30 Mar 1807, also includes correspondence, petitions and related papers. A listing is available in State Records' reading rooms. | 1805-1814 |
Where to find the lists of convicts
Guide to shipping lists of convicts transferred or retransported from Van Diemen's Land, 1812-1853, and guide to the location of the relevant Indents and Papers. Some of these papers are held at the Mitchell Library (part of the State Library of NSW)
C. To Van Diemen's Land from Sydney and Melbourne, 1812–53
C. To Van Diemen's Land from Sydney and Melbourne, 1812–53
| Date of list | Ship | No. of Convicts | Item | Reel |
1812 | 4 Jul | Unity | 4 | [4/3492 p.140] | 898 |
1814 | 5 Apr | Windham | 10 | [4/3493 p.133] | 1028 |
1814 | 16 Aug | Kangaroo | 5 | [4/3493 p.250] | 1028 |
1815 | 30 Oct | Emu (Mechanics and labourers for the Government service) | 31 | [4/3494 p.258] | 1028 |
1816 | 10 Apr | Kangaroo | 100 | [4/3494 p.461] | 1028 |
1816 | 1 Aug | Kangaroo | [4/1967 CSIL 28/3093] | ||
1816 | 16 Dec | Kangaroo | 33 | [4/3495 p.382, CSIL 28/3093 in 4/1967] | 1029 |
1817 | 23 Jul | Governor Macquarie | 13 | [4/3496 p.257] | 1029 |
1817 | 5 Aug | Jupiter (Convicts off the Chapman) | 70 | [4/3496 pp.2723, 287-9] | 1029 |
1817 | 11 Aug | Elizabeth Henrietta (Includes 50 women per Canada) | 80 | [4/3496 pp.295-8] | 1029 |
1818 | 30 Jan | Duke of Wellington | 89 | [4/3498 pp.35-7] | 1030 |
1818 | 21 Mar | Elizabeth Henrietta | 14 | [4/3498 p.111] | 1030 |
1818 | 26 Sep | Elizabeth Henrietta (Female convicts off the Maria) | 60 | [4/3499 p.89] | 1030 |
1819 | 30 Jan | Elizabeth Henrietta (Convicts of the Globe for the public service) | 84 | [4/3499 pp.297-8] | 1030 |
1819 | 15 Mar | Prince Leopold (Convicts for the public service) | 60 | [4/3500 pp.27-8] | 1030 |
1820 | 14 Mar | Eliza | 5 | [4/3501 p.298] | 1031 |
1820 | 18 May | Princess Charlotte (Female convicts off the Janus for the public service) | 68 | [4/3502 pp.37-8] | 1031 |
1820 | 22 Aug | Princess Charlotte (Convicts for the public service) | 30 | [4/3502 pp.217, 223] | 1031 |
1820 | 16 Oct | Guildford (Convicts off the Dorothy) | 6 | [4/3502 p.358] | 1031 |
1821 | 24 Mar | Prince Leopold | 12 | [4/3503 p.190] | 1031 |
1822 | 31 Jul | Elizabeth Henrietta | [4/3508 p.12] | 1034 | |
1822 | 27 Nov | Elizabeth Henrietta | 18 | [4/3506 p.479] | 1033 |
1822 | 28 Nov | Elizabeth Henrietta | 18 | [4/3507 p.1] | 1034 |
1823 | 20 Mar | Deveron | 11 | [4/3507 p.490; 4/3508 p.13] | 1034 |
1823 | 15 Apr | Brixton | 7 | [4/3508 pp.133-4] | 1034 |
1823 | 14 Jul | Lusitania | 5 | [4/3508 pp.660-2] | 1034 |
1823 | 11 Oct | Ann | 7 | [4/3509 pp.407, 419] | 1035 |
1825 | 29 Jun | Elizabeth | 2 | [4/3514 p.555] | 1037 |
1825 | 5 Jul | Elizabeth | 1 | [4/3514 p.580] | 1037 |
1825 | 13 Sep | Governor Arthur | 2 | [4/3515 p.305] | 1038 |
D. To Van Diemen's Land from Norfolk Island
Date of list | Ship | No. of Convicts | Item | Reel | Mitchell Library | |
1832 | 31 Dec | Clementine | 3 | [4/4523 p.2] | 901, 1260 | |
1833 | 30 Sep | Medway | 12 | [4/4523 p.4] | 901, 1260 | |
1833 | 4 Oct | Medway | 1 | [4/4523 p.6] | 901, 1260 | |
1833 | 23 Oct | Medway | 130 | Tas Papers 10 | ||
1834 | 20 Jan | Isabella | 2 | [4/3899 p.23;4/4523 p.8] | 10631260, 901 | |
1834 | 8 May | Admiral Gifford | 7 | [4/3899 pp.78-9;4/4523 pp.10, 12] | 10631260, 901 | Tas Papers 10 |
1834 | 20 Aug | Currency Lass | 10 | [4/3899 p.130;4/4523 p.14] | 10631260, 901 | Tas Papers 10 |
1834 | 20 Sep | Currency Lass | 5 | [4/3899 p.144;4/4523 p.16] | 10631260, 901 | Tas Papers 10 |
1834 | 1 Nov | Jesse | 4 | Tas Papers 10 | ||
1834 | 31 Dec | Currency Lass | 9 | [4/3899 p.187;4/4523 p.18] | 10631260, 901 | Tas Papers 10 |
1835 | 14 Mar | Siren | 11 | [4/3899 p.219] | 1063 | Tas Papers 10 |
1835 | 15 Apr | Siren | 1 | [4/4523 p.22] | 901, 1260 | |
1835 | 4 May | Siren | 3 | Tas Papers 10 | ||
1835 | 16 May | Siren | 9 | [4/4523 p.20] | 901, 1260 | |
1835 | 20 Jul | Siren | 7 | [4/3899 p.275] | 1063 | |
1835 | 27 Jul | Siren | 6 | [4/4523 p.24] | 901, 1260 | |
1835 | 6 Aug | Siren | 6 | Tas Papers 10 | ||
1835 | 19 Oct | Siren | 10 | [4/4523 p.26] | 901, 1260 | |
1835 | 21 Oct | Siren | 12 | [4/3899 p.324] | 1063 | |
1835 | 11 Dec | Siren | 10 | [4/3899 p.348;4/4523 p.28] | 1063901, 1263 | |
1836 | 2 Mar | Siren | 13 | [4/3899 p.387;4/4523 p.30] | 1063901 | |
1836 | 5 Apr | Siren | 1 | [4/4523 p.32] | 901 | |
1836 | 29 Jul | Siren | 6 | [4/3900 p.13] | 1064 | |
1836 | 3 Sep | Siren | 7 | [4/4523 p.34] | 901 | |
1836 | 10 Sep | Siren | 6 | [4/4523 p.36] | 901 | |
1836 | 13 Sep | Siren | 7 | [4/3900 p.25] | 1064 | |
1836 | 28 Oct | Siren | 5 | [4/3900 p.49;4/4523 p.38] | 10641260, 901 | |
1836 | 17 Dec | Siren | 9 | [4/3900 pp.76-7;4/4523 p.40] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 34 p.233 |
1837 | 10 Mar | Francis Freeling | 6 | [4/3900 p.127;4/4523 p.42] | 1064901 | |
1837 | 29 Jul | Marian Watson | 10 | [4/3900 p.207;4/4523 p.44] | 1064901 | |
1837 | 21 Oct | Marian Watson | 8 | [4/4523 p.46] | 901 | Tas Papers 206 |
1838 | 13 Jan | Marian Watson | 3 | [4/4523 p.48] | 901 | |
1838 | 27 Mar | Marian Watson | 4 | [4/3900 p.329;4/4523 pp.50, 52] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1838 | 11 Jun | Marian Watson | Tas Papers 206 | |||
1838 | 13 Jul | Marian Watson | 6 | [4/3900 p.378;4/4523 p.54] | 1064901 | |
1838 | 29 Sep | Marian Watson | 6 | [4/3901 p.29;4/4523 p.56] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 206 |
1838 | 8 Dec | Siren | 3 | [4/4523 p.58] | 901 | |
1839 | 30 Jan | Siren | 3 | [4/4523 p.60] | 901 | |
1839 | 3 May | Marian Watson | 5 | [4/3901 p.122;4/4523 p.62] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 36, 143 |
1839 | 21 Jun | Marian Watson | 12 | [4/3901 p.145; 4/4523 p.64] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1839 | 2 Aug | Marian Watson | 11 | [4/3901 p.162;4/4523 p.66] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1839 | 14 Sep | Marian Watson | 6 | [4/4523 p.68 | 901 | Tas Papers 144 |
1839 | 14 Dec | Marian Watson | 18 | [4/3901 p.204;4/4523 p.70] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 144 |
1840 | 31 Jan | Abercrombie | 5 | [4/3901 p.217;4/4523 p.72] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 144 |
1840 | 18 Mar | Marian Watson | 6 | [4/4523 p.74] | 901 | Tas Papers 144 |
1840 | 30 Apr | Marian Watson | 5 | [4/3901 p.255;4/4523 p.76] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 144 |
1840 | 23 Jun | Abercrombie | 9 | [4/3901 p.280;4/4523 p.78] | 1064901 | |
1840 | 9 Sep | Abercrombie | 5 | [4/3901 pp.309, 311] | 1064 | |
1840 | 12 Sep | Abercrombie | 6 | [4/4523 p.80] | 901 | |
1840 | 30 Nov | Abercrombie | 10 | [4/3901 p.349;4/4523 p.82] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 13 Jan | Abercrombie | 5 | [4/3901 pp.370-1;4/4523 p.84] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 29 Mar | Abercrombie | 13 | [4/3901 p.410;4/4523 p.86] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 27 Mar | Abercrombie | 5 | [4/3901 p.437;4/4523 p.88] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 28 May | Abercrombie | 5 | Tas Papers 36 | ||
1841 | 14 Aug | Marian Watson | 8 | [4/3901 p.466;4/4523 p.90] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 2 Oct | Will Watch | 4 | [4/4523 p.92] | 901 | |
1841 | 7 Oct | Marian Watson | 6 | [4/3901 p.487;4/4523 p.94] | 1064901 | |
1841 | 27 Nov | Marian Watson | 2 | [4/4523 p.96] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1841 | 15 Dec | Corsair (from Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.98] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 14 Feb | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.100] | 901 | |
1842 | 14 Feb | Marian Watson | 12 | [4/4523 pp.102, 104] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 18 Feb | Marian Watson | 14 | [4/3901 p.532] | 1064 | |
1842 | 26 Feb | Marian Watson | 25 | [4/4523 pp.107-8] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 4 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.110] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 25 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.112] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 28 May | Marian Watson | 10 | [4/3901 p.549;4/4523 p.114] | 1064901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 26 May | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.116] | 901 | |
1842 | 26 May | Marian Watson | 20 | [4/4523 pp.118-9] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 6 Jun | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.121] | 901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 19 Aug | Waterlily | 6 | [4/3902 p.12;4/4523 p.124] | 1065901 | Tas Papers 36 |
1842 | 12 Oct | Waterlily | 26 | [4/4523 pp.126-30] | 901 | Tas Papers 31 |
1842 | 1 Dec | Waterlily | 5 | [4/3902 p.24;4/4523 p.132] | 1065901 | Tas Papers 37 |
1842 | 10 Dec | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.134] | 901 | Tas Papers 37 |
1843 | 23 Jan | (From Melbourne) | 5 | [4/4523 p.136] | 901 | Tas Papers 31, 37 |
1843 | 30 Jan | Sea Horse | 27 | [4/4523 pp.138-41] | 901 | |
1843 | 25 Mar | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.144] | 901 | |
1843 | 19 Apr | Sea Horse | 20 | [4/4523 pp.146-7] | 901 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 28 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.150] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 16 Jun | Sir John Byng | 25 | [4/4523 pp.152-3] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 19 Jun | (From Melbourne) | 1 | [4/4523 p.156] | 901, 1260 | |
1843 | 2 Sep | (From Melbourne) | 4 | [4/4523 p.158] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 14 Sep | Sir John Byng | 56 | [4/4523 pp.160-4] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 12 Oct | Sir John Byng | 52 | [4/4523 pp.166-70] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 14 Oct | (From Melbourne) | 4 | [4/4523 p.172] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1843 | 22 Dec | (From Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.174] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1844 | 16 Jan | Flying Fish (From Melbourne) | 4 | [4/4523 p.176] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 37 |
1844 | 27 Jan | Louisa | 50 | [4/4523 pp.178-81] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 37 |
1844 | 29 Feb | Waterlily | 6 | [4/4523 p.184] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 22 Mar | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.186] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 26 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.188] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 11 May | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.190] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 18 Jun | Louisa | 21 | [4/4523 pp.196-8] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 20 Jun | (From Melbourne) | 4 | [4/4523 p.200] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 16 Aug | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.202] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 19 Aug | Waterlily | 22 | [4/4523 pp.204-6] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 37 |
1844 | 18 Oct | (From Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.208] | 901, 1260 | |
1844 | 23 Oct | Governor Phillip | 36 | [4/4523 pp.210-12] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1844 | 11 Dec | (From Melbourne) | 7 | [4/4523 p.214] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 4 Feb | Waterlily | 40 | [4/4523 pp.216-8] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 7 Feb | (From Melbourne) | 2 | Tas Papers 222 | ||
1845 | 1 Mar | (From Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.220] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 24 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 5 | [4/4523 p.222] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 153 |
1845 | 12 May | Louisa | 51 | [4/4523 pp.224-6] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 17 May | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.228] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 14 Jul | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.230] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 153 |
1845 | 28 Oct | Waterlily | 30 | [4/4523 pp.232-4] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 18 Nov | (From Melbourne) | 12 | [4/4523 p.236] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 28 Nov | Wanderer | 20 | [4/4523 pp.238-9] | 901, 1260 | |
1845 | 24 Dec | (From Melbourne) | 5 | [4/4523 p.242] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 222 |
1846 | 3 Feb | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.244] | 901, 1260 | |
1846 | 19 Mar | (From Melbourne) | 3 | Tas Papers 222 | ||
1846 | 1 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 5 | [4/4523 p.250] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 222 |
1846 | 9 Apr | Louisa | 41 | [4/4523 pp.246-8] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 42 |
1846 | 8 Jul | (From Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.252] | 901, 1260 | |
1846 | 8 Aug | (From Melbourne) | 2 | Tas Papers 222 | ||
1846 | 5 Nov | Louisa | 35 | [4/4523 pp.254-6] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 42 |
1846 | 6 Nov | (From Melbourne) | 2 | [4/4523 p.258] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 31 |
1847 | 8 Apr | Waterlily | 30 | [4/4523 pp.260-2] | 901, 1260 | |
1847 | 9 Apr | (From Melbourne) | 4 | [4/4523 p.264] | 901, 1260 | |
1847 | 10 Jun | (From Melbourne) | 3 | [4/4523 p.266] | 901, 1260 | |
1850 | 6 Aug | Lady Franklin | 1 | [4/4523 p.271] | 901, 1260 | |
1850 | 28 Dec | Lady Franklin | 3 | [4/4523 p.272] | 901, 1260 | |
1852 | 30 Aug | Emma | 4 | [4/4523 p.273] | 901, 1260 | |
1853 | 9 Sep | Emma | 6 | [4/4523 p.274] | 901, 1260 | |
1853 | 24 Nov | Emma | 1 | [4/4523 p.275] | 901, 1260 | Tas Papers 40 |
Sources held elsewhere
- Chief Justice’s reports of persons tried at the Supreme Court Sessions held at Hobart and Launceston,1823-1839
Dixson Library Add 552/6 - Alphabetical register of convicts secondarily transported from New South Wales to Norfolk Island and remaining there in Aug 1844.
The volume lists the 590 convicts on the island before the transfer in control from New South Wales to Tasmania took place in Sep 1844
Copy of the original in the Archives Office of Tasmania at COD 2
Additional Sources
- Nobbs, Raymond, (ed). Norfolk Island and its First Settlement, 1788–1814, Library of Australian History, North Sydney, 1988 Contains population lists in the back of the book.
As the administration of Norfolk Island was transferred from New South Wales to Van Diemen's Land in 1844 researchers should also contact Tasmanian archives + heritage

Finding resources about convict history
This session presents some essential resources for researching convict history
Families of convicts
Families of convicts sometimes accompanied their convict relations or came out later

Hyde Park Barracks
A brief overview of the Hyde Park Barracks and a list of convict-related record series
Convict Certificates of Freedom
A certificate of freedom was a document stating that a convict's sentence had been served