Commissioners of Crown Lands guide
![Districts - Sketch shewing the plan for the extension into the interior of several squatting districts. Maranoa, Gwydir, Liverpool Plains, Bligh and Wellington. [Sketch book 5 folio 104]](
Squatters and graziers index 1837-1849
This is an index to 9000+ holders of depasturing licences and others who were occupying Crown land beyond the Nineteen Counties, and who were visited by the Commissioners of Crown Lands.

Crown lands occupation guide
Sources relating to the occupation of Crown lands in the period prior to 1856
A brief overview of the major sources and key related series we hold that relate to the Commissioners of Crown Lands.
Historical overview
By a Government order on 5 September 1826 Governor Darling created an area known as the 'limits of location'. Settlers were only allowed to take up land within this area. A further Government order on 14 October 1829 increased this area of approved settlement to include an area called the Nineteen Counties.
From the earliest days of the Colony there was some unauthorised occupation of Crown Lands both within and outside the 'limits of location' and outside the Nineteen Counties. Various acts and regulations were in operation from as early as 1824 in an attempt to curb this type of settlement, which we often refer to as squatting. As a result of these legislative measures, such authorised occupations as grazing leases and depasturing licences were introduced to regularise settlement on Crown Land.
Commissioners of Crown lands were first appointed under the provisions of Act 7 Will. IV no.4 (1836). The Commissioners of Crown Lands were the sole officials of Government in areas outside the settled districts and as such they had magisterial authority.
The Commissioners were responsible for preventing Crown Land being occupied without a licence, collecting the proceeds of the assessment on stock, and ensuring that law and order were maintained throughout their districts. They were also responsible for issuing passports for convict travel and for 'arranging the transfer of convicts from their own districts to places elsewhere; for the reservation of sites for public purposes; for the granting of hawkers' licences; and for the compilation of a great variety of returns and reports.' 1
Under the 1836 Act licences were issued to depasture sheep and cattle on unoccupied Crown lands and Commissioners policed these regulations.
Legislation in 1839 (2 Vic. no.27) established a Border Police under the control of the various Commissioners.
Orders in Council of 1847, issued under the authority of the Imperial Act 9 and 10 Vic. c.104 (1847), provided for leases to be issued for periods up to fourteen years in place of the annual licences. In 1849 a Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands was appointed and local Commissioners were made directly responsible to the Chief Commissioner instead of the Colonial Secretary as was originally the case. The office of the Chief Commissioner was transferred to the Department of Lands in 1856 and the Crown Lands Occupation Act 1861 repealed the Orders in Council of 1847 in relation to the lease and alienation of Crown lands in the pasture districts.
In 1870 the office of the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands lapsed and the department became known as the Occupation Branch of the Lands Department. Control of the local Crown Lands Commissioners was transferred to the Department of Mines in 1878 and the local Crown Land Commissioners were abolished about 1880. Records of the Occupation of Lands Branch of the Department of Mines were destroyed in the Garden Palace Fire on 22 September 1882.
A Select List of Sources
Chief Commissioner
Series | Title | Dates |
Letters received from the Colonial Secretary | 1854-1855 | |
Letters received from Commissioners [2/1718.5] is a letter dated 17 August 1862 from Edward Sharp, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Albert District, to the Chief Commissioner concerning the search for Messrs Curlewis and McCullough on the Paroo. Accompanying the letter is a word list of Aboriginal language and the English translations. | 1850-1862 | |
Letters received from individuals | 1854-1855 | |
Papers re pre-emptive purchases Gives names of district and lessee; name and size of run; amount of purchase money and of survey fee; and date of payment. | 1856-1857 | |
NRS 1357 (Reel 1441) | Registers of accepted tenders for runs These volumes include information as to lessee, district, station and estimated capabilities of station (cattle and sheep). | 1848-1857 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — New England (Armidale)
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1358(Reel 2677) | Copies of letters sent This series includes letters about prisoners, land and timber; letters to Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands, Colonial Treasurer and other public officials. | 1844-1855 |
NRS 1360 (Reel 3127) | Description of runs | c.1851 |
NRS 1361 (Reels 2677, 1483) | Returns of population and livestock The returns show names of station and of licensee; estimated area by acres; number of horses, cows and sheep; and amount of assessment based on that number. | 1845-1856, 1848-1856 |
NRS 1362 (Reel 1483) | Register of timber licences This series shows name of licensee; nature of wood to be cut; amount of fee; date of forwarding fee to the Treasury and of delivering the licence; and acknowledgment of receipt of such licence. | 1850-1855 |
NRS 1363 (Reel 1483) | Returns of licensed occupants | 1851-1856 |
NRS 1364 (Reel 1482) | Register of licensed runs | 1857-1866 |
NRS 1365 (Reel 1482) | Register of licensed runs (McLeay District) | 1857 |
NRS 1368 (Reel 1482) | Lists of runs in New England and McLeay Districts | 1866 |
NRS 1370 (Reel 1481) | Register of land sales held at Armidale Police Office | 1850-1856 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — Gippsland
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1375 (Reel 3127) | Lists of runs assessed These comprise detailed lists of stock on various stations in the district of Gippsland, which was beyond the limits of location. | 1843-1862 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — Gwydir
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1377 (Reels 3123-3124) | Copies of letters sent to the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands These letters include requests for information and assistance; and reports on Aboriginal people and the goldfields. | 1849-1856 |
NRS 1378 (Reel 3124) | Copies of letters sent to individuals and public officers | 1853-1868 |
NRS 1381 (Reel 3123) | Descriptions of runs The descriptions were submitted in support of tenders for runs. They give name and address of tenderer; name of run; acreage; estimated grazing capabilities; and a brief description of its boundaries. | 1843-1869 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — Lachlan District
Series | Title | Dates |
Copies of letters sent The letters concern the appraisement of runs, disputes over boundaries between runs, and the acceptance of tenders for runs. | Jun 1864-Dec 1866 | |
Descriptions of runs The descriptions were submitted in support of tenders of runs. They give name of lessee, estimated area of the run and detailed description of its boundaries. Changes of ownership of the runs are also shown and there are notations in the volumes up to 1884. | c.1869-1879 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — Liverpool Plains (Tamworth)
Series | Title | Dates |
Letters received | 1843-1847 | |
NRS 1385(Reels 3125-3127) | Copies of letters sent | 1846-1869 |
NRS 1386 (Reel 1483) | Returns of population and livestock The returns show names of station, owner and superintendent; extent and area of run; how watered; number of free and bonded persons on run; number of horses, cows and sheep; and amount of assessment. | 1845-1857 |
NRS 1387 (Reel 1483) | Alphabetical lists of individuals recommended as fit and proper persons to depasture stock upon stations in the district | 1845-1848 |
NRS 1388 (Reel 1483) | Returns of licensed occupiers of Crown lands | 1847-1851 |
NRS 1389 (Reel 1483) | List of parties recommended as fit and proper persons to cut and saw yellow woods in the district during the year ended 30 June 1848 This list shows name of person recommended, whether free or not, and location of the wood. | 1848 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — McLeay River
(For later records see Armidale — New England)
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1390 (Reel 2500) | Copies of letters sent | 5 Sep 1842-14 Apr 1848 |
Commissioner of Crown Lands — Portland Bay
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 1391 (Reel 2756) | Itineraries of Commissioner Foster Fyans, 1844, Jan-Jun 1846; and Returns of population and livestock The returns of population and livestock include names of station, owner and superintendent; extent and area of run. | Jan 1844-Jan 1846 |
Colonial Secretary's Special Bundles
See our catalogue for a full listing of the NRS 906, Colonial Secretary: Special Bundles, 1826-1982.
- NRS-906-1-[4/1917]-4/1917.10 Miscellaneous returns and tickets of occupation, 1826
Itineraries and returns
Itineraries and returns of Commissioners of Crown Lands, 1837-49 [4/10803], [X811-18] Reels 2748-2749
Information recorded includes: name of each station visited; licensees; superintendents; number of residents; nature of buildings on each station; number of acres in cultivation; and stock (cattle, horses and sheep).
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.1 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John James Allman, Wellington, 20 Jul - 3 Aug 1840 (extracted from [5/6102])
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.2 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John Lambie, Monaroo, 31 Aug 1843 - 26 Apr 1844 (extracted from [5/6102])
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.3 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Henry Fysche Gisborne, Port Phillip, 30 Aug - 26 Dec 1839 (extracted from CSIL 40/543 in [4/2510])
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.4 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Henry Fysche Gisborne, Port Phillip, 28 Jan - 18 Feb 1840 (extracted from CSIL 40/2967 in [4/2510])
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 William Colburn Mayne, 15 Dec 1846 - 17 Apr 1847, 9 Sep 1847 - 8 Sep 1848
- NRS-906-1-[X814]-X814/3 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Graham D Hunter, Bligh, 8-23 Aug 1839, 6 Dec 1839 - 14 Jan 1840, 1 Mar - 20 Nov 1843, 22 May - 6 Jun 1844, 16 Oct 1845 - 7 Jan 1846, 10 Jul - 6 Nov 1847
Clarence River
- NRS-906-1-[X813]-X813 Reel 2748 Oliver Fry, 7 Jan 1844 - 14 Nov 1845
Darling Downs
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 Christopher Rolleston, 10-24 Nov 1843, 24 May - 18 Jun 1844, 2 Jan - 25 Feb 1845, 8 14 Apr 1846, 1 Jan - 26 Apr 1847, 10 Apr - 19 May 1848, 16 Oct - 9 Nov 1848
- NRS-906-1-[X818]-X818 Reel 2749 Charles James Tyers, 29 Jan 1844 - 31 Dec 1845 (duplicates)
- NRS-906-1-[X811]-X811 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Edgar Beckham, Lachlan, 27 Nov - 16 Dec 1841, 17 Apr 1843 - 10 Jan 1846, 10 Apr 1847 - 20 Feb 1849
- NRS-906-1-[X813]-X813 Reel 2748 Henry Cosby, 22 Sep - 13 Oct 1839, 1 Jan - 26 Feb 1840. Half yearly return of population and livestock in the Lachlan district from 1 Jan 1840
Liverpool Plains
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 Roderick Mitchell, 5 Apr - 6 May 1844
McLeay River
- NRS-906-1-[X816]-X816 Reel 2748 Robert George Massie. Inclusive dates not noted. Itineraries dated 10 Jul 1844, 4 Feb 1845, 14 Feb 1846, 30 Mar 1847
- NRS-906-1-[X815]-X815/1 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John Lambie, Monaroo, 29 Jul 1839 - 24 Nov 1840
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.2 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John Lambie, Monaroo, 31 Aug 1843 - 26 Apr 1844 (extracted from [5/6102])
- NRS-906-1-[X815]-X815/2 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John Lambie, Monaroo, 3 Jun 1845 - 29 Feb 1848 and Return of stations in Monaroo district, Mar 1848
Moreton Bay
- NRS-906-1-[X818]-X818 Reel 2749 Stephen Simpson, 7 May - 17 Jun 1844, 8 Dec 1844 - 1 Mar 1845, 13 Dec 1848 - 2 Mar 1849
- NRS-906-1-[X812]-X812 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Henry Bingham, Murrumbidgee, 10 Jul - Nov 1839, Aug 1843, Jul 1844, Mar - Nov 1845, Apr - Jun 1847
- NRS-906-1-[X818]-X818 Reel 2749 Evelyn Pitfield Shirley Sturt, 10 24 Jun 1837
- NRS-906-1-[X818]-X818 Reel 2749 Henry Wilson Hutchinson Smythe, 25 Sep 1843 - 3 Apr 1846
New England
- NRS-906-1-[X816]-X816 Reel 2748 George James MacDonald, 16 Jul - 20 Sep 1839, 1 Jan 1840 - 30 Apr 1841, 1 Jan 1844 - 31 Dec 1845
Port Macquarie
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 Henry Oakes, 7-28 Mar 1837, 13 Oct - 2 Nov 1837, 16 Jul - 19 Aug 1839, 14 Feb - 24 Sep 1840, 1 Jan - 30 May 1841
Port Phillip
- NRS-906-1-[X814]-X814/2 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Henry Fysche Gisborne, Port Phillip, 11-27 Jan 1840
Portland Bay
- NRS-906-1-[X814]-X814/1 Reel 2748 Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: Foster Fyans, Portland Bay, 1 Jan - 31 Dec 1842, 1 Jul - 31 Dec 1845. Half yearly returns of population and livestock from 1 Jul 1842 and 1 Jul 1845
- See also NRS 1391 Reel 2756 Itineraries of Commissioner Foster Fyans, 1844, Jan-Jun 1846; and Returns of population and livestock, Jan 1844-Jan 1846
- NRS-906-1-[X813]-X813 Reel 2748 Lawrence Vance Dulhunty, 17-30 Sep 1839
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 William Colburn Mayne, 15 Dec 1846 - 17 Apr 1847, 9 Sep 1847 - 8 Sep 1848
- NRS-906-1-[X818]-X818 Reel 2749 William Henry Wright, 28 Aug - 13 Nov 1843, 10 Apr 1844 - 26 Jan 1846
- NRS-906-1-[4/10803]-4/10803.1 | Commissioners of Crown Lands - Itineraries: John James Allman, Wellington, 20 Jul - 3 Aug 1840 (extracted from [5/6102])
Western Port (Victoria)
- NRS-906-1-[X817]-X817 Reel 2748 Frederick Armand Powlett, 1 Feb - 31 Jul 1842, 1 Jan 1844 - 28 Feb 1846
Related series
Series | Title | Dates |
NRS 948 (Reel 2980-2981) | Colonial Secretary - Letters sent. Copies of letters to the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands | 29 Dec 1848-12 Nov 1856 |
Colonial Secretary - Letters sent. Copies of letters to Commissioners of Crown Lands The letters illustrate some of the difficulties facing the government in the administration of the scheme. | 1834-1847 | |
NRS 959 (Reel 2997) | Colonial Secretary - Letters sent. Copies of letters to Commissioners of Crown Lands within the boundaries | 17 Mar 1849-21 Oct 1856 |
Surveyor General: Crown Plans Areas outside the 'limits of location' are shown on some maps. Available in the online index | 1792-1886 | |
NRS 14363 (Reels 5067-5081) | Treasury (Revenue Branch): Certificates for depasturing licences *ARK Depasturing licences permitted settlers to graze stock on Crown Lands 'beyond the limits of location'. | 1837-1851 |
Further information
NRS 905, Colonial Secretary's main series of letters received, 1826-1982 should also be consulted for correspondence received from the Chief Commissioner and individual Commissioners of Crown Land. See the guides and indexes to the Colonial Secretary's records.
Additional records relating to the Commissioners of Lands may also be found in our catalogue under Surveyor General and Treasury.
Other records may be identified the Guide to records relating to the occupation of Crown Lands (Crown Lands Guide). The Public Record Office Victoria and the Queensland State Archives also hold a number of pre-separation records.
ML indicates that the record is held by the Mitchell Library (State Library of NSW).
*ARK signifies that a copy of the record or guide is part of the Archives Resources Kit and is held by the community access points.
1. McMartin, Arthur. Public Servants and Patronage: The foundation and rise of the New South Wales Public Service, 1786-1859, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 1983, p.206

Surveyor General's crown plans 1792-1886
A complete listing of the Surveyor General's Crown Plans from the Select List of Maps and Plans (and Supplement), 1792-1886
![Districts - Sketch shewing the plan for the extension into the interior of several squatting districts. Maranoa, Gwydir, Liverpool Plains, Bligh and Wellington. [Sketch book 5 folio 104]](
Squatters and graziers index 1837-1849
This is an index to 9000+ holders of depasturing licences and others who were occupying Crown land beyond the Nineteen Counties, and who were visited by the Commissioners of Crown Lands.
![[Cattle grazing at Gloucester (NSW)]](
Depasturing licenses index 1837-1851
Depasturing Licences permitted settlers to graze stock on Crown Lands "beyond the limits of location". The "limits of location" refer to the nineteen counties of settled area extending from Sydney.

Conditional purchase of crown land guide
This Guide provides an historical background on the conditional purchase scheme in NSW from 1862 to 1951, also known as 'free selection before survey' along with a list of the major record series and step-by-step guidance on how to access them