Schools & education

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Boys in care

In the first years of the colony, boys were apprenticed out rather than being institutionalised until the first Male Orphan School was established in 1818 in George St, Sydney

Cooma school records

Explore the NSW town of Cooma through its school records

Coonabarabran school records

Explore the NSW town of Coonabarabran through its school records

History of education for the deaf in NSW

This case study was created thanks to a researcher who was looking the records of education and schools for deaf children in NSW

NRS-3829 (part) List of Aboriginal school files, 1876–1979

An alphabetical listing of Aboriginal schools that operated in NSW. Records include applications for the establishment of schools, the school's progress, teachers, and proposed schools

NRS-3866 Establishment files (Adult Migrant Education Branch), 1948–1972

These files contain information about Adult Migrant Classes, Continuation Classes and Intensive Classes which were established, for migrants learning English, by the Department of Education

NRS-3931 (part) Aboriginal school records, 1876–1979

A list of school records for those Aboriginal schools administered by the Department of Education and Training. Records include admissions, examination, observation & punishment books, visitors & stock book, staff meeting records

School records

Find out about the wealth of information in school records about students, teachers and school buildings and sites in NSW

School records guide

An overview of education in New South Wales 1788-c1979 and a list of the main record series

Schools & related records 1876-1979

30,000+ entries include administrative files & records such as admission registers, punishment books & inspection books

Schools: what the files can tell you

School files very strongly reflect the growth or decline of towns and are an excellent source for your local history research

West Wyalong school records

In this webinar recording explore the town of West Wyalong through the school records State Archives Collection