State Archives Collection
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Immigration & shipping
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Assisted immigrants digitised shipping lists 1828-1896
If you know the ship your assisted passengers arrived on you can search, view & download the digitised shipping list
Assisted Immigrants Index 1839-1896
Assisted immigrants arriving in Sydney and Newcastle 1844-59, Moreton Bay 1848-59 and Port Phillip 1839-51
Crew and passengers 1828-1841
This index may assist those searching for crew of ships arriving in New South Wales between 1828 and 1841
Letters re migration to NSW 1838-1857
These letters were sent by the Immigration Agent in response to complaints, transport arrangements, advertisements and financial arrangements relating to migration between 1838 and 1857. This index covers the names of individuals found in the letters
Miscellaneous immigrants index 1828-1843
Search for passengers who paid their own fare and also assisted immigrants. Information includes: name, ship, date of arrival, age and events (e.g. shipwreck)
Unassisted immigrants index 1842-1855
Unassisted (or free) passengers came to Australia at their own expense, including ships' crew and military
Vessels arrived in Sydney 1837-1925
If you know the name of the ship, this index will be useful to check or confirm the date of arrival
Wages paid to orphans
These records cover 1849–1851. Information includes name of orphan, ship of arrival and amount due and paid to orphan from master or employer